neo_cycloid wrote in fucker_graphics May 10, 2008 00:03
kat-tun, attic, rentrer en soi, 100x100, mana, !maker: neo_cycloid, chariots, pierrot, d'espairsray, moi dix mois, the studs, d, vidoll, 12012, icons
neo_cycloid wrote in fucker_graphics Jan 26, 2008 01:09
layouts, attic, asagi, !maker: neo_cycloid, pierrot, アリス九號., fatima, daigo, the studs, kisaki, wallpapers, livejournal, d, alice nine, 12012
neo_cycloid wrote in fucker_graphics Nov 30, 2007 16:21
100x100, !maker: neo_cycloid, pierrot, heidi., gackt, maya, lm.c, the studs, phantasmagoria, yoshiki, icons
ryoujyoku wrote in fucker_graphics Oct 07, 2007 11:27
meth., 蜉蝣, dir en grey, 100x100, siva, the studs, versallies, !maker: ryoujyoku, icons
shayla_lunatic wrote in fucker_graphics Jul 30, 2007 20:33
layouts, tatsurou, reita, headers, the gazette, mucc, mylog, the studs, wallpapers, satochi
ryoujyoku wrote in fucker_graphics Jul 03, 2007 23:04
清春, dir en grey, rentrer en soi, 100x100, 中島美嘉, ムック, the gazette, miyavi, the studs, wallpapers, sid, screw, !maker: ryoujyoku, icons